Elite Financial, LLC

PO Box 1318 Yucaipa,
CA 92399

CREDIT REPAIR, CREDIT RESTORATION, CREDIT EDUCATION CONSUMER PROTECTION THROUGH EDUCATION: At Elite Financial, fighting for the American consumer is our mission – and we have been doing it since 1999. Today, with the credit industry increasingly more reliant on credit scores, the American consumer needs more help than ever and Elite Financial is here to offer the expertise, experience, and know how to get the job done. We offer white-glove customer service, honesty, integrity, and produce genuine results that you can count on. At Elite Financial, LLC we pride ourselves on working with you to educate and help do more to expand options. The more you know, the more you can identify loan-inhibiting problems before you encounter them. Working together, we can help restore your credit, and get your score to where you need it to be.

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We specialize in loans for residential purchases and refinances, reverse mortgages, and commercial transactions. Longstanding relationships with top lenders is a differentiating factor,



Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1A4 Canada