In House Lender

5 Hutton Centre, Suite 1100 Santa Ana,
CA 92707

With InHouseLender, our services are designed for your advantage, the borrower. We are a direct lender offering a wide range of cutting-edge loan origination programs. Our services are especially designed to eliminate the middleman and offer you the best results in your quest of obtaining your home. No doubt, realtors are the best people to offer you the best quality in your search, and that’s why we are committed in working directly with the realtors who will offer you the best service in every aspect. You trust your real estate agent to search for your home. They’re trained to shop for the best escrow rates, they fight to get you the lowest loan fees, best termite reporting company, etc.... So, why not trust them with getting you the best loan that would better meet your needs. With our InHouse Advantage, your real estate agent will find you the best possible loan with the lowest possible fees that would meet your needs. In addition, any commission your agent will obtain will be significantly lower than that of a mortgage broker, because it only represents a supplemental income and not a main source of income as it is in the case of mortgage brokers. This means more savings for you. Can you think of what you could use that extra money for?

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We specialize in loans for residential purchases and refinances, reverse mortgages, and commercial transactions. Longstanding relationships with top lenders is a differentiating factor,



Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1A4 Canada